Cocoa Abrabopa Association (CAA) is owned by all members of the Association. In order to ensure that important decisions are taken by the members, the CAA Council has been set up. The Council is responsible for important matters concerning all members of the Association and for recognizing and taking important decisions concerning the future of the CAA.
The CAA Council consists of the founders of CAA, the regional representatives and two corporate appointees (who are CAA members appointed by the Founders). The CAA members are spread over all 7 cocoa regions in Ghana and the regional representatives are elected members of the CAA from every of these 7 cocoa growing regions.
At least twice a year, regional durbars are organised which are platforms where members come together to discuss the current status of the Association and suggestions on the way forward which is used as input for the Council of CAA to make decisions.
The Council meets regularly with the Executive Secretary of the Association who is the Head of all CAA staff and responsible for strategically managing and coordinating all affairs of CAA.