Services & Programmes

The Cocoa Abrabopa Association provides services and programmes for the benefit of its members with the main purpose of improving the livelihoods of members and their families. We offer a wide range of services and programmes to our members and review them every year. When necessary, we add new services or adapt existing ones to the changing needs of our members.

Applying for membership

Every aspiring member must be part of a self-chosen group. This group consists of members who live in the same community and have farms within reasonable distance from each other. The group has to elect its own executives: a Group Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Technical Coordinator, who is the CAA’s field officer in the area, will visit all the group’s farms to give advice and prepare them before registration can be completed. The group must also open a group account at a nearby bank. For more details on registration and becoming a member, please call the CAA head office on (+233) 0322039927 or (+233) 0322037565.